A Human Experience

We are so small in a huge world, but our lives matter! Make a difference!

No one ever promised that my life would be easy, and if I think about it, I didn’t ask to be here. My family received me as a gift, a precious gem, a blessing. God let them borrow me as part of their human experience.
Now, I was forced into my own human experience. I was born into what I thought would be a world filled with love, peace, compassion, and humanity. As I grew up, I found out that the world could scandalous, harsh, hurtful, humiliating, and a complicated place to “be” if I let it. I wasn’t given all of the love I thought I deserved. I was made to believe that I wasn’t living up to my potential, as it were. That I needed to be better, smarter, prettier, but at the same time, I wasn’t allowed to express my feelings, share my dreams without being ridiculed, or allowed to cry without being told to quit crying.
I had to build myself up and motivate myself, because no one was going to make all of those things happen. Everyday I am trying to create my world to be better, smarter, and “prettier”, except now, this sometimes challenging experience called life, is a gift not something to complain about. Challenge accepted!
I have been blessed with a life that was meant to bring joy and not sorrow, intelligence not ignorance, a”pretty” spirit not an ugly spirit filled with hate or anger. I was meant to share hope, joy, support, encouragement, all of those things that I always blamed someone else for not having. It was always someone else’s fault that I was miserable or angry at the world.
Don’t get me twisted, we are all hurt, devastated, or sad about horrible events that have taken place in our lives, and it’s necessary to have our feelings validated, for others to understand where we’re coming from, for our friends and family to wipe our tears, because I believe that it would be a very scary world without love and empathy. My point is this, I know I have to create the world I want in order to have my best human experience possible, and let go of everything that is polluting my proverbial “city”. I have to create pure air, pure thoughts, authentic love, and find ways to be altruistic, inspirational, genuine, a person that glorifies God, and a spiritual being who brings light into the darkness. I’ll try to surround myself with others who desire a peaceful life filled with love, and through prayer and meditation I will be prepared for the storms of life and accept every bit of God’s love. I’ll help as many people as I can along the way. I’ll show compassion and lift those up around me, but I’ll know my limitations and not let other’s negativity bring me down or make me believe that I’m anything that doesn’t radiate God’s love.
I am. I will. I can. I must. I have to be a warrior when the world tries to crush my spirit, and I must never forget to dress myself in His spiritual armor before I leave the house.
If I believe that I will be with God after I leave this world someday, then I should be filled with joy every morning when I wake up, because I’ll get to dwell in the house of the Lord someday and “God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away” (Revelation 21:4).
This is what I strive for. This IS my goal for my time here on earth. This IS my experience and I WILL be the best person I can be. That means having to separate myself from the people who are trying to hold down, discourage me, anger me, or people who are attempting to crush my spirit.
I now know that I’ve grown tired of trying to please others who spend their day attempting to make people miserable, to crush dreams, to shatter relationships, to lead people into dark places, to abuse, and in general, they wake up with a mean spirit and carry it with them throughout their day until they rest their hurt souls at the end of the night, only to wake, and repeat. I pray, Lord, please be with the people who are hurt and have become bitter and cynical. Give them hope and send them a sign that they deserve life filled with happiness and inspiration. Amen ❤️ 🙏🏽

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